2020 A Review of the Year in Voiceover

2020 A Review of the Year in Voiceover

  A year of adaptation It’s become a tradition that I write a little review of my year as an English Female Voiceover artist. I like to reflect on my challenges and achievements and hold myself to account against the plans or aims I had at the start of the...
Freelance vs Employed – who does better?

Freelance vs Employed – who does better?

Below is a blog I wrote a long time ago. In it I try to explain why freelance* professionals may seem to earn more than Employed people doing similar work. I wrote it to try and make it clear (to myself and others) why we need to earn more to be on an equal footing to...
New Commercial Reel

New Commercial Reel

It’s time for a refresh! My New Commercial Reel is ready and I hope you love it as much as I do. Over time our voices change. Not just because we age (ahem!) but because we get better at our jobs. Plus the industry changes and demands different styles, tones and...
2019 Review of the year in Voiceover

2019 Review of the year in Voiceover

I smashed it again! Last year I started a new tradition: write a motivational list on a post-it note with personal and professional goals for the year and pin it to my studio wall. Well, it worked pretty well as you can read in last year’s blog. In 2018 I built a new...
Educational Voiceover Artist of the Year 2019

Educational Voiceover Artist of the Year 2019

I’m thrilled to announce that I’ve been named ‘Educational Voiceover Artist of the Year 2019’ in the Private Education and Development Awards.  Now, obviously it’s lovely to have won. But the BEST BIT is that it was a client of mine that...
Winner: Best Female Radio Drama Performance

Winner: Best Female Radio Drama Performance

WINNER! Best Female Radio Drama Performance  I’m chuffed to bits to have been awarded a prestigious One Voice Award for my radio drama work. It’s an absolute honour as the competition was stiff and the standards were very high. Over 2500 people entered the...
2018 Review of a year in voiceover

2018 Review of a year in voiceover

Well what a year that was! As many of you may know, it didn’t get off to the best start with some personal loss and sadness in early January. But, I’m never one to be defeated by what the world throws at me so instead; I threw myself into life head-first and set...
E-Learning is all about engagement

E-Learning is all about engagement

Wanna get engaged? We all know e-learning is ALL about engagement. How do you make people listen? Help them feel involved? Get them to internalise learning and retain the information? It’s the holy grail of our community. But have you ever thought about how voice...
5 Reasons to spend more on voiceover

5 Reasons to spend more on voiceover

What cost low cost?  How much?!! I’m sure you’ve screamed that when you’ve heard what a voiceover can earn for voicing a TV spot for a major brand; many thousands of pounds in a matter of minutes. And I’m sure you’ve been agog at how little some, supposed...