2018 Review of a year in voiceover

2018 Review of a year in voiceover

Well what a year that was! As many of you may know, it didn’t get off to the best start with some personal loss and sadness in early January. But, I’m never one to be defeated by what the world throws at me so instead; I threw myself into life head-first and set...
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

Thanks for being part of my voiceover journey in 2017 Well, what a year it’s been! I always get reflective around Christmas and it’s nice to be thankful for all the good things that have happened. So, what do I mean by voiceover journey? Well, 2017 has...
E-Learning Services

E-Learning Services

Choosing the right voice for your E-Learning services can be hard. You want to be authoritative but approachable, encouraging but not patronising and fun but not childish. It’s all about understanding your audience and finding a voice that can blend together...