2018 Review of a year in voiceover

2018 Review of a year in voiceover

Well what a year that was! As many of you may know, it didn’t get off to the best start with some personal loss and sadness in early January. But, I’m never one to be defeated by what the world throws at me so instead; I threw myself into life head-first and set...
5 Reasons to spend more on voiceover

5 Reasons to spend more on voiceover

What cost low cost?  How much?!! I’m sure you’ve screamed that when you’ve heard what a voiceover can earn for voicing a TV spot for a major brand; many thousands of pounds in a matter of minutes. And I’m sure you’ve been agog at how little some, supposed...
A jargon busting glossary for voiceover

A jargon busting glossary for voiceover

Do you know your ADR from your IVR? Do you worry you’ll get FLAC from a client if you aren’t on their WAV length? Then this blog is for you! Ungh! Don’t you just hate jargon? Acronyms and abbreviations, technical language and endless new words and...
Now, who would work in a voiceover studio like this?

Now, who would work in a voiceover studio like this?

Take a tour of my home voiceover studio / sound booth Welcome! Come on in! I’d love to show you around. Take a peek inside as I give you a voiceover studio tour. I’ll show you what it looks like and also take you through the sound equipment I use. Short on...