NEW Corporate Voiceover Demo Reel

NEW Corporate Voiceover Demo Reel

New Year? New Corporate Voiceover Demo Reel! I can smell spring in the air and it felt the right time to spring clean my demo reel. So, I’ve created a brand new corporate voiceover demo reel for 2024. It’s got some fabulous recent work blended with some of...
2020 A Review of the Year in Voiceover

2020 A Review of the Year in Voiceover

  A year of adaptation It’s become a tradition that I write a little review of my year as an English Female Voiceover artist. I like to reflect on my challenges and achievements and hold myself to account against the plans or aims I had at the start of the...
2019 Review of the year in Voiceover

2019 Review of the year in Voiceover

I smashed it again! Last year I started a new tradition: write a motivational list on a post-it note with personal and professional goals for the year and pin it to my studio wall. Well, it worked pretty well as you can read in last year’s blog. In 2018 I built a new...
2018 Review of a year in voiceover

2018 Review of a year in voiceover

Well what a year that was! As many of you may know, it didn’t get off to the best start with some personal loss and sadness in early January. But, I’m never one to be defeated by what the world throws at me so instead; I threw myself into life head-first and set...