by Claire Wyatt | Jan 30, 2020 | Updates
I smashed it again! Last year I started a new tradition: write a motivational list on a post-it note with personal and professional goals for the year and pin it to my studio wall. Well, it worked pretty well as you can read in last year’s blog. In 2018 I built a new...
by Claire Wyatt | Mar 15, 2019 | Updates
I’m thrilled to announce that I’ve been nominated for three categories in the One Voice Awards again this year; including Female Voiceover Artist of the Year for the 2nd year running. It’s an absolute honour to have my work recognised and have my...
by Claire Wyatt | Jan 17, 2019 | Updates
Well what a year that was! As many of you may know, it didn’t get off to the best start with some personal loss and sadness in early January. But, I’m never one to be defeated by what the world throws at me so instead; I threw myself into life head-first and set...
by Claire Wyatt | Nov 27, 2017 | Updates
My first job for Audible and it’s an epic audio drama adventure I was thrilled to be asked by the fantastic director Barnaby Edwards to be part of a three-part narrated audio drama for Audible. Not only is it narrated by the legendary Miriam Margolyes but it...
by Claire Wyatt | Nov 22, 2017 | Updates
Pre-order my most recent audio drama from the team at Big Finish now! Great scripts and always a voiceover challenge. My voiceover skills are usually put to the test on these fabulous audio drama sci-fi jobs (playing anything from telepathic Hyenas to sentient...