by Claire Wyatt | Sep 25, 2017 | Updates
Let Claire Wyatt voiceover be your #1 choice for your female Halloween voiceover characters Tis the season of Witches and goblins, sprites and zombies. Blood curdling screams and a whole host of terrifying vocal creations! Soon the radio waves and TV screens will be...
by Claire Wyatt | Sep 25, 2017 | Updates
From telepathic hyenas and scorpion Queens, to evil countesses and lowly maids. If you’re going to be a voice actor in radio drama, you need to be versatile. I spent another joyous day with the team at Big Finish productions last week recording an episode of...
by Claire Wyatt | Sep 6, 2017 | Updates
The website address and email have changed for Claire Wyatt Voiceover Ungh! Technology. It’s meant to make life easier right? Speed up your life so you spend more time doing the things you love? WRONG! Due to technical issues that are too long an tedious to...
by Claire Wyatt | Aug 31, 2017 | Updates
School holidays, sick kids, expensive childcare and long commutes. All a logistical nightmare for a working parent. So, just for fun I thought I’d set out my 5 reasons why Voiceover is a better career choice for a working parent. Here goes… Working from...
by Claire Wyatt | Aug 17, 2017 | Updates
I was asked to supply some advice and resources about parenting in the performing arts for an Equity website recently. I thought it would make a good blog. So, here’s some advice and some parenting resources if you’re a British voiceover artist. Know your...